The spring semester will begin 3 / 4 / 06 下学期定于三月四日开学。
Spring semester 2007 second year 学期硕二课程授课进度表
Spring semester 2007 first year 学期硕一课程授课进度表
The first day of school for the spring semester has been changed to march 4 , 2006 本学年春季班开学日已修改为三月四日。
Today is the last day to add or drop classes for the spring semester 下学期加退改选注册今天是最后一天,请务必于今天办理完毕。
All materials will be collected no later than the second week of the spring semester ( 3 / 11 / 06 ) 您最晚须在明年三月十一日将所有的材料准备齐全。
There is no class on 01 / 26 / 2002 and 02 / 02 / 2002 , 2002 spring semester will start on 02 / 09 / 2002 学期结束,一月二十六日及二月二日不上课,二月九日是2002年春季开学日。
The incident itself happened to me the spring semester of 1993 while i was a student at the university of wyoming 事情发生在1993年的春季学期,当时我正在怀俄明大学读书。
Timetables of 2008 spring semester for all levels of uk programme and ucd programme have been availale as attached 2008年春季学期中英项目各年级和中美项目课表已经可以从附件中下载。
Add / drop enrollment for the spring semester has begun . please see the registrar , mrs . shu - chin chung , for forms 中文学校下学期的注册及加退选已开始。需要办理的家长请洽注册组长钟淑钦女士。